I haven't posted in 6 weeks, due largely in part to my re-enrollment as an undergraduate at URI. Only this time around, instead of conquering the Liberal Arts (which is akin to a grappling contest with a quadriplegic), I'm mercilessly punishing myself with an array of 'hard sciences'. Apparently, these sort of subjects don't allow you to bullshit, expect you to study regularly, and worst of all, there are no essay questions. I owe so many apologies to my former roommate, one Michael Alice, for the years of torment I caused him while he dutifully chizzled his way through a bedrock of Physics homework, while I, often under the influence of some not-so-foreign substance, attempted to relieve him of his work and replace it with drinking games.
Bravo, Mike Alice, for graduating in spite of me. I'm not sure how you did it.

Should I ever emerge from this semester, I'll find some time to write something thats worth my imaginary audience reading.