Thursday, February 18, 2010

Working Undercover for the Man: Part 3

The worst part about this conference? It has limited my viewing of the Olympics. Speaking of the Olympics, 'Oh look! They're showing Tony Dungy in the crowd for men's figure skating. And he's wearing an Oregon football hat!' Screw you Tony Dungy, screw the Colts, and screw Oregon.

Men's figure skating is cool though, those guys got skills.

For real though, go USA. I just watched Hannah Teter and Kelly Clark take home Silver and Bronze in the women's halfpipe... excellent work ladies. At the moment we've got 17 medals (5/5/7), with Germany trailing a distant second with 11. I love the Olympics.

I don't actually have much to file in my report today... could you tell? Ana-Marie Jones' keynote speech was awesome, I'm glad she works in Oakland. I also got a tutorial on open-source GIS mapping, which really only helped me understand how very little I know about it.

Also, I ate dinner in the hotel bar while watching women's ice hockey with a guy from St. Louis that works at a LHD and a girl from Vermont who now works at a fellow Advanced Practice Center in Oregon. Its nice to have Boston sports fans around to help you boo Peyton Manning when they show his face too many times on ESPN.

That's all I got. I'm tired, and tomorrow's flight back west promises to screw up my sleep patterns even more. At some point between now and Monday I have to find time to complete the mountain of work that awaits me.


Holy crap, I cannot believe I missed THIS! Downtown Atlanta, while I'm here? You've got to be kidding. Stupid GIS training session. I should have been out wandering along the highway.

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