Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Benefits of Specialization

Human beings figured out long ago that if you do something well, stick to it and you will reap the benefits. This is the basic concept of specialization. It applies to so many aspects of the human existence, from manufacturing cars to creating music, that it is a natural, ingrained concept for most. The same goes for writing, and most blogs (but not this one) in particular are a great example of this. Focus on a topic, build readership based on your expertise with that topic, and presto! You've got yourself a successful little piece of the information superhighway.

When I started this blog, I envisioned it as nothing more than a bucket into which I could spew a multitude of thoughts and ideas. There those ideas would sit, waiting to be fished from the bucket should they prove to have any merit. But, in an effort to write more often, as well as more consistently, I'm going to attempt to streamline the topics I choose.

At the moment I'm thinking these might work...

  • 'The Green Monster' - Documentation of my efforts to be more environmentally conscious
  • 'Super Tuesday' - Once-a-week ramblings on 'Election 2008' & domestic politics
  • 'Precession' - Musings on international politics & global affairs
  • 'Three Fourteen' - For my love of technology & theoretical physics
  • 'The Ivory Hut' - Academia-related nonsense
  • 'The Road to Nowhere' - Travel writing
  • 'Its a Sport' - Ultimate... 'nuff said
  • 'How 'Bout Them Apples?' - Boston Sports

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