Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things That Upset Me

College Basketball is stupid anyways. The World Cup can't get here fast enough.

You must never be satisfied with losing. You must get angry, terribly angry, about losing. But the mark of the good loser is that he takes his anger out on himself and not his victorious opponents" ~Richard M. Nixon

You know you're on the wrong track when Richard Nixon seems virtuous in comparison.

Al Gore already won a Nobel Peace Prize.

Just for good measure.

Joe Biden Gets Excited...

...about Amtrak and health care reform mostly. And Barack Obama. Those guys love each other.

What's best is that Biden can go from quoting Virgil (5:30) one moment, and then whisper to BarryO, "this is a big fucking deal!" (5:58) within earshot of the microphones surrounding him. How can you not love that?

Joe, you can be my conductor any day.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reform was sooo Last Year

What!? The healthcare reform bill passed? No f@#$ing way!

I thought the government gave up on that around the time the final season of LOST started... I hear Rahm Emanuel is a big fan. Despite being someone who passionately believes we need serious reform (much more than is what included in this bill) and who 'studied' political science as an undergrad, even I was almost completely checked-out of the ongoing debate that so many thought was over once those liberal yahoos in Massachusetts elected Scott 'Pickup Truck' Brown.

Well it seems the Democrats realized that their ship (the S.S. November Election) was sinking whether they pushed a reform bill through at the last minute or not, so I'm glad they gave it the 'ol college try (where did that phrase come from? no one tries in college). Apparently Obama will sign the bill into law on Tuesday, while the Senate presumably squawks about the alterations the House made before those additional elements can also become law.

BUT: I still hate Nancy Pelosi. Here's why...

... 'nuff said.

Anyways, glad things are moving forward. Here's a few links if you care what this 'groundbreaking' bill is going to do for (or as the Republicans would say 'to') this country.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Best Thing Ever

Thank you Ryan Marriott for bringing this to my attention. Much better than studying for my lab practical...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

News Flash: Bikes & Banks

Big news, important news... LOFTY news

Number 1: Finally! GoogleMaps has finally added directions for cycling. According to the NYT article published today, bike routes for 150 cities have been incorporated into their online software. Obviously the Bay Area is included in that count, so I checked it out. It seems to do the trick, and even highlights all the various bike trails in green. I'm happy.

Number 2: In advance of the new Fed rules that will go into effect this summer that would require bank customers to actually enroll in overdraft protection, rather than be automatically subject to it, Bank of America will be doing away with overdraft charges. Goodbye $38.00 cup of coffee.

Of course, I'm sure the folks that helped bring us the worst recession in a century and who, even worse, charge me an additional $2.00 on top of the fees I pay at non-BoA ATM's have some fancy scheme up their sleeve to make up for the billions they'll lose in overdraft fees. It probably involves trading derivatives or some other such manipulation of imaginary money that I can't possibly comprehend.

I should keep my cash in a shoebox.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I'm going to need more N-95 respirators...

Everyone around me is sick... classmates, labmates, friends, roommates. I suppose it doesn't help that most of these sick people inhabit the overlap of these categories in my Venn-diagram of life.

Word on the public health street is that its a new round of rhinovirus, otherwise known as the dreaded 'common cold'. The sad irony of being an infectious disease student is that despite your rather impressive knowledge of infectious microbes, there's often very little you can to do avoid the more ubiquitous ones without resorting to some extreme measures.

Yes, I used the word ubiquitous. Look it up.

I've been lucky enough to avoid getting sick since I moved to California in August. I feel as though that's a fairly impressive feat, all things considered... go ahead, consider those things, those of you who know me. Now, what can I do to avoid catching this latest round of respiratory infections? I've outlined my options below.
  1. Use of personal protective equipment, including latex gloves, lab coat or surgical gown, N-95 mask, and goggles. Perhaps a full-body Tyvek suit would be in order. Reference Eduardo's picture for an idea of what I might look like.
  2. Move to Canada. I hear they have universal health coverage there.
  3. Inject myself with large doses of mucosal IgA antibody. And Scotch.
  4. Remove all ICAM-1 receptors in my respiratory epithelial cells. That's where the virus gets ya.
  5. Sleep well, drink plenty of fluids, eat healthy and wash hands often.
  6. Hide.
Speaking of getting sick, watch out for Pringles, your two most favorite flavors may be contaminated with salmonella... thats right, 'Cheeseburger' and 'Taco Night'. Guess you'll have to stick to 'Sour Cream & Onion' for a while.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Scotch Night

Scotch Night #1: The Macallan 10-Year Fine Oak

Price: $41.00 at the booze, snack and porn shop (i.e. overpriced)

Taste: Aged in a combination of Sherry & Bourbon oak casks. Good balance. Do I detect a bit of fruitiness in there? Maybe. I don't really know what I'm talking about.

Paired With: Danish Bleu & Holland Gouda cheeses; Alcoholism; French Bread.

Consumed By: Adam, Paul, Megha, Robbie

Immediate Effect: Rambling about toxoplasmosis; Discussion of fiscal conservatism.

Short-Term Effect: Walk to 'The Graduate' for more drinks (Racer 5 IPA).

Long-Term Effect: 3 cups of coffee and no desire to go to lab this morning.

Report Filed 3/4/10 in the Annals of Infectious Disease Scotch Consumption