Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Scotch Night #2 [Scotch Night is Really Blowing Up]

Scotch Night #2: Triple Attack - The Dalmore 12 Year, The Balvenie 12 Year Doublewood, and special guest Maker's Mark bourbon.

Price: The Dalmore ($42), The Balvenie ($40), Maker's Mark (You know how much it costs you alcoholic)

The Dalmore; very smooth with a hint of sweetness, almost Irish whisky-esque. A solid choice, especially for first-time scotch drinkers, not quite as exciting compared to others.

The Balvenie; delicious! An almost-bourbon sweetness and a bit more bite than the Dalmore. Slaps you in the mouth a bit. This was the clear favorite.

Maker's Mark; I felt almost guilty that half my motivation for drinking the scotch was to get to the Maker's Mark... almost. They should put this stuff in juice boxes so I can pack in my school lunch.

Paired With: French bread, two types of Brie, crazy goat cheese & apple slices, the musical stylings of Rob White.

Consumed By: Adam, Paul, Robbie, Megha, Dave, Alyssa, Gail, Christie, Nick, Lief. It was quite a crowd.

Immediate Effect: Stuffing two people into a single 'onesie' (see below).

Short-Term Effect: Heckling Robbie until he finally played guitar for us.

Long-Term Effect: Chugging coffee at the bagel shop and wondering why it is that my legs always hurt after a night of hard liquor consumption (a quick scan of the interwebs shows that many people clearly have this same question).

Report Filed 4/3/10 in the Annals of Infectious Disease Scotch Consumption

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