So the question now is whether or not Gore will use the Nobel prize as a springboard for entering the presidential race, joining a campaign that has already been launched for him by a group known as 'Draft Gore'. A self-described 'grassroots' organization that's been circulating petitions and raising awareness in hopes of dragging Al into the race. Unfortunately for them, for me, and for this country, thats not going happen. Here's why: (1) Hilary and Barack have Himalayan-sized treasure troves of cash, (2) re-entering politics on the back of Nobel Prize kinda detracts from the honor you've been given, and (3) most importantly, the man is having fun. Here's a brief synopsis of what he's done since he left government...
- Appeared on SNL, Futurama, and should be appearing on 30 Rock Thursday, November 8th.
- He's also a senior advisor to Google, sits on the board of Apple Inc., and is chairman and co-founder of Current TV (a cable network with over 38 million subscribers).
- He banks up to $175,000 per speaking appearance, and is estimated to be worth over $100 million.
- He also won the Nobel Prize, starred in an Academy Award-winning documentary, and received numerous other awards for his environmental policy work.
- Was ridiculed for having claimed to of 'invented the internet', when in fact he did more than any other politician during his time in the Senate and as Vice President to make way for the 'information superhighway', a term he coined. Read more here.
- Earned the nickname 'Ozone Man' from George Bush senior during the 1992 race. An attempt to belittle his environmental work.
- Won the popular vote in the 2000 presidential race, but was forced to concede the election to George W. Bush.
- He's also spoken out against the war in Iraq, and numerous other policies of the current administration. For the most part, he's been dead on.
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