Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's Time for a Post With Some Substance

I've spent most of my recent posts writing about recent developments in my life in what could, at best, be described as semi-articulate ranting. This is all well and good, but once in a while I'd like to, as my high school Latin teach Miss Tom would say, 'engage brain'. So I leave it up to you, imaginary readership... what should I write about?

I realize the potential for my own immense disappointment at lack of responses to this poll, but seeing that I don't actually expect any, and I am allotting myself one vote, I will undoubtedly produce a winning option, so its a win-win-win-win situation, as Michael Scott would so aptly describe it.

You will find the poll in the sidebar of this here blog, next to Eduardo. Happy voting.

Also, for your consumption: 'Ohio Man Builds 'Man Cave' Out of Snow'

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