Some Brief Super Bowl Thoughts
- Dear God, please let the Saints win. Please, please, please. My hate for the Colts is only superseded by my love for the Patriots (and even then, only marginally). Thanks to Rex Ryan, I don't even hate the Jets that much.
- Peyton Manning is just the kind hateful robot that would deny his own storm-ravaged hometown their first Super Bowl victory. And after he was done giving lip-service to what a good game it was at the press conference, he'd go home and choke a kitten. He's sick.
- Its been wonderful to watch the rise in criticism of, and hate for, Colts fans, or as KSK has dubbed them, the 'fat humps'. As has been stated many times by other writers, they are a fanbase of fast-food munching, self-entitled whiners, and once Manning retires, they will likely lose all interest in their mediocre franchise. As a Boston sports fan, I know what its like to be loathed by the rest of the country, and I've come to relish it. What makes criticism of Colts fans so much better for me is that they simply can't understand why on earth anyone would disparage their mundane midwestern existence.
- It will be even more interesting to see how long it takes the country to begin hating the Saints once they win the Superbowl. With a championship under their belt and Katrina fading quickly from popular memory, they'll be left with nothing but their drunken, cajun, Bourbon Street identity. Without the underdog sob-story they're nothing but Boston fans without the Irish-Catholic guilt.
- Saints Defense: Drill Peyton Manning into the ground. Blitz. Blitz all day. Yes he will burn you for a couple touchdowns, but he'd do it anyways even you're running nickel and dime packages all night. Knock him down. I'm envisioning something like this...

- And lastly, if Obama is adept enough to weigh in on the need for a college football playoff system, surely he understands the importance of having Monday after the Superbowl be an observed holiday? Pull out that agenda item leading up to elections and I gauarantee you'll get some swing votes in red states.
Addendum 2/8/10:
- Thank you Super Bowl for being entertaining, and thank you Barack Obama for issuing an executive order that it be a close game. [Skip to the very end of the interview]
- More importantly, thank you Tracy Porter for making Peyton Manning's face do this...

- You can all now feel free to hate on the Saints... 'who dat' is only entertaining for so long.
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