Thanks for doing such a swell job of keeping my blog neat and tidy. You always know just where to put all the posts, the right tags to insert and are always there to remind me that I use far too many commas. Sadly I like commas too much for this to ever really be remedied, but its great that you try. You're the best stuffed pig ever, and you look great in that mask, but I'm sure you get that all the time.
Anyways, I wanted to update you on the goings-on in my life, since we haven't stayed in touch so well as of late. I'm sure you've been busy doing fit-test demonstrations for N-95's, but hopefully with flu season dying down you've had some time to relax. I've been busy with schoolwork, as usual, but it so often takes a backseat to my more pressing interests that I guess its hard to say I'm actually busy with it. Hmmmm.
Of semi-importance is that I've decided to stay here in Berkeley for the summer, rather than going to Zanzibar. Not an easy choice to make, but I think it is the best decision at the moment, and will allow me to stay with my job at CIDER and work full time there during the summer. You should come visit sometime.
Bethany will be here on Thursday to visit for a few days, which is sweet, seeing that our sibling powers grow exponentially when we're not separated by a bunch of worthless states that have no coastline. A week later I will be going to Tahoe to fall down a mountain over and over (I've only snowboarded twice, and the last time was 9th grade) and hopefully escape with only stress fractures and minor lacerations. In April I'm going to the Coachella music festival, and myself, Gail, Megha, and Mary have received a small grant award to purchase a bulk-order of condoms and pass them out for free at the festival to promote safe-sex and STD education. Even when doing something as seemingly cool as going to a 3-day music festival in the desert, I've found a way to nerd-it-up.
Speaking of nerds, as we were leaving Safeway in North Berkeley yesterday (we being myself, Megha, Rachel, Colleen, and Karen) in Megha's tiny Mini-Cooper, as we pulled out of our spot and rounded the corner to exit the lot, some random dude just looked at us and shouted 'Nerds!'. That guy had no idea how right he was. Its not every day you have a car full of infectious disease grad students to insult. Bravo sir.
Lastly, I'm still very much planning on getting a dog. Its going to have to wait until I get a new place to live in July, but its happening, and here's why:

Chloe is an 8-week old German Shepard ball-of-fluff who belongs to my friend Emily. How can that not make you want your own dog? My only requirement for a dog is that it be intelligent enough to chase down and return discs for me. I've been looking for a new best friend to play catch with and a dog seems as though it would do the trick. So stay tuned for that.
I'm also still adamant about getting a vehicle. I'm trying to justify getting a truck because it would not be a commuting vehicle, but would instead be reserved for trips and whatnot to god-knows-where. Also I could chop wood and leave it in the bed, and would feel like more of a man. Also I just really want to take advantage of that cheap insurance that comes with turning 25.
Anyways, sorry to get off-track Eduardo. I hope everything is well back home. I'll see you over my spring break.
Yours Through Hell or High Water,
Dr. W
I'm also still adamant about getting a vehicle. I'm trying to justify getting a truck because it would not be a commuting vehicle, but would instead be reserved for trips and whatnot to god-knows-where. Also I could chop wood and leave it in the bed, and would feel like more of a man. Also I just really want to take advantage of that cheap insurance that comes with turning 25.
Anyways, sorry to get off-track Eduardo. I hope everything is well back home. I'll see you over my spring break.
Yours Through Hell or High Water,
Dr. W
Not to bring facebook into your prestigious blog, but if there was a 'like' button I would press it.